LOGIE: Year 6.
Dear Logan,
Today (10/16) you are 6 years old!! I cannot believe how BIG you are getting (and honestly, where has the time gone!?). You and I didn't get to start out where other mothers and sons do, that is, in
talking about the day you were born. Instead, our story started when I met your daddy, and shortly thereafter, I met you.
When I met you, you were just 3 years old + a few months. You already had been through a lot in your short little life, more then ANY kid should have to go through. I remember, I shared a "cutie" orange with you, and you played with some planes you had with. The 2nd time I saw you, I brought you a garbage truck Duplo, and I think I pretty much won you over with that gift. You had a TON of toys (still do), and your house was a mess
of your toys (ours still is).
Our relationship has grown, to the point where I got to marry you in May of 2015 (daddy is still waiting for you to pay him for your part of the ring! ;) ). You have taught me about Batman, Ninja turtles, and just about every fact that a mommy needs to know about dinosaurs. You are all "rough and tumble" boy, but you also have this sensitive side that makes you just the sweetest little boy on earth. You are full of energy and goofiness, and you constantly stink like a boy.
When daddy and I told you that we were going to have a baby, you told us that you knew it was going to be a sister. We brought you to the appointment where we found out the gender, and when the ultrasound tech announced it was going to be a girl, Daddy and I were all excited, and when we asked you if you were excited you said, "I already knew that." That should have been no surprise to me, as you have such a fun relationship with your sister. You love Zoey with your whole heart and ALWAYS want to be touching her or playing with her. That girl gets so much love from you, I'm afraid to tell her that things won't always be this way! You always want to play with her toys (instead
of your own) and she wants to play with yours. One of my favorite times is when you will chase her around the house when we get home from daycare/school, and I hear her little giggle and see her big smile as she sees you.
Another fun thing is watching you discover things at church for the first time. A few weeks ago I bought you a Bible and case for HALO (kids club on Wednesday night) at church. You were SO proud of your new Bible. You come home and tell me stories about what "Sacrifice" means, or this week "fellowship." Although your stories are not exactly right on (like sacrifice is about killing your son - thanks story of Isaac!), you are learning, and it opens up whole new conversations for us! And my favorite is when we were walking out of church last week and you saw "Pastor Bill" (as he had spoke to the kids) and you wondered how I knew him. Follow up to this past Wednesday and you asked me again how I knew "Passenger Bill!"
Or when you ask me if we can go eat at "Marinara" (also known as "Panera."). I am going to be so sad when we have to start using the right words because you can read them - but also YAY you are going to be able to read!
Logan, you are one of the 3 biggest blessings in my life (the others being your daddy and sister). I cannot imagine NOT being in your life. While I am sad you lost your Mommy when you were so little, I am so glad that I get to be a big part of your life and get the chance to be your Mommy. You are going to go amazing places in life. In Kindergarten, we have already seen you grow and mature, and I can't wait to see what else is in store for you. You have such a big and giving heart. You love to cuddle. You love all of the amazing people in your life, and cry when you cannot see them for awhile. You are LOUD (so loud!) and you love to PLAY. You are full of movement and excitement - and we do not want that to ever change!
We love you with our whole hearts. Happy 6th birthday, Logie!
Mommy (& Daddy & ZoZo)
talking about the day you were born. Instead, our story started when I met your daddy, and shortly thereafter, I met you.
When I met you, you were just 3 years old + a few months. You already had been through a lot in your short little life, more then ANY kid should have to go through. I remember, I shared a "cutie" orange with you, and you played with some planes you had with. The 2nd time I saw you, I brought you a garbage truck Duplo, and I think I pretty much won you over with that gift. You had a TON of toys (still do), and your house was a mess
Our relationship has grown, to the point where I got to marry you in May of 2015 (daddy is still waiting for you to pay him for your part of the ring! ;) ). You have taught me about Batman, Ninja turtles, and just about every fact that a mommy needs to know about dinosaurs. You are all "rough and tumble" boy, but you also have this sensitive side that makes you just the sweetest little boy on earth. You are full of energy and goofiness, and you constantly stink like a boy.
Or when you ask me if we can go eat at "Marinara" (also known as "Panera."). I am going to be so sad when we have to start using the right words because you can read them - but also YAY you are going to be able to read!
We love you with our whole hearts. Happy 6th birthday, Logie!
Mommy (& Daddy & ZoZo)
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