Kindergarten mom.

I am only a month and a half into having a kid in elementary school, and I have already figured out one thing - I cannot keep up. I can be sent reminders a million times but I STILL FORGET. I am going to blame it on having a one year old and a Kindergartner - the distance  between the two can be mind numbing, but really, I think it is more of a personal problem.

The fourth week of school, I sent Logan to school on a Monday with his Friday folder STILL in his backpack, totally intact. In other words, my husband flipped through the folder on Friday night and ended up putting it back in his backpack to keep it away from Zoey. Well, there it sat...and was sent back home again on Monday night with Logan exclaiming "MOM, You forgot to take the papers out so my teacher sent it back home."

Or maybe it was this past week, when it was "orange day" at school to promote unity. I KNEW I should have invested in that $10 shirt sold through the school so we wouldn't forget, but alas, I did. So I get to school with Logan on Wednesday to a sea full of orange shirts, and my kid is wearing DARK BLUE AND BLACK. In other words - NOT ORANGE. I tried to tell him that he would be ok because on the Super Mario shirt he was wearing under his sweatshirt, Yoshi's boots looked like they could pass off as orange - but it was TOTALLY NOT, and he called me on it. Luckily the staff told me that he would be getting an orange bracelet so to not worry about it (oh I worried about it) - but I had a fear at the all school assembly of Logan sticking out like a sore thumb.

Because of all this, I invested in a new planner. I have a planner that lays out the months, but I decided I think I need to venture back into the "weekly plan" one - so I can put down all of these silly details (like orange shirt day) and hopefully not forget. But let me tell you - I love my monthly calendar and the thought of this new one (that I paid a pretty penny for - Love Erin Condren!) is STRESSING ME OUT. I need to see ALL THE DAYS at once, and can't handle the pressure of 2 different places to write things. The jury is still out on how this is going to work out , but I am trying it out...starting January 1.

So until then, I will continue to try to remember all of these special days (OMG - book fair is in 2 weeks and I cannot forget that) - and hopefully by volunteering for the "Fall Harvest Party" (aka: Halloween party) next Friday will make up for all of my failures as a mother. And conferences! I can't miss conferences in 2 weeks, then the teacher will for sure know I don't have it all together and think I have been neglecting my child. But who knows, I might forget to show up for one of those things and then will have to turn in my "mom card" (I just made that up) - because clearly - I need help.


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