What am I trying to prove?
Right now, I am sitting with my daughter, rocking her in her room, and I am stressed out.
Why am I so stressed about my body?
Stressed because I had 2 mini snicker bars and coffee with creamer today...and a quarter of Logan's cookie from Panera.
because I was going to have both kids in bed by 7:30. Had this little
girl in bed by 7:20, kindergartner by 7:30, then baby woke up, so been
rocking her on and off (because of course bedtime = party time to
babies!) so now it is 7:55 and I'm still here.
Stressed because I wanted to get up at 5am to do a quick work out and the baby woke up at 4am and fell back asleep at 5:15 and I did too, so no work out happened.
Stressed because I wanted to squeeze in a 30 minute work out, clean bottles, and pack lunches for tomorrow (and start studying for my GRE) before my husband gets home.
Why am I so stressed about my body?
a woman in her early 30's I have this desire to have my body bounce
back to where it was pre-baby, or even in my 20's. I have joined the 21
day fix, been done with the fix so let loose a little more (i.e. Not
working out daily) and joined it again this week and I feel so much
pressure. I've worked out once, and had zero shakes this week. All to
have my "body back." To not gain weight. To not eat donuts or cookies or
anything that is remotely bad. I mean, I'm not upset with my body, it
could be better. I could be a size 4 like I used to be, instead of a size 8. I would prefer
that. But that was easy to do when I had no kids and my pelvic bones hadn't rearranged themselves to carry a child.. I went from taking
care of me to taking care of 2. I HAD A BABY and that is pretty darn
read a lot of posts like this so this is therapeutic to write one of my
own. Because for real...what am I trying to prove? And to who? My
husband loves me. My kids love me. And I am happy.
So forget my work out tonight.
Forget the shake I'm supposed to have (after I wrote this my husband asked if I wanted DQ and I said "yes!" Because hello, Pumpkin Pie blizzards are back!)
I wish I could do the 5am work outs, and be motivated, like some moms, to always squeeze in that time. I know what a release a run or work out can be, and I love that. But, I also wish that I didn't have to work full time and feel guilty giving up my valuable time with them to exercise.
Screw the pressure and the
stress. I'm going to cuddle my baby girl extra long, because she will be
one in a few weeks. The bottles will be washed. My sanity will still be
in check. And tomorrow is a new day.
PS - This post is in NO WAY meant to slam the 21 Day Fix! I actually love the program and love all it has to offer!!
PS - This post is in NO WAY meant to slam the 21 Day Fix! I actually love the program and love all it has to offer!!
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