One Year Old.

Dear Zoey –

Today you are one year old. 365 days have passed since you entered the world, and it has been by far some of the best and hardest days of my life.

I remember being told on Friday afternoon, September 18, 2015, my dad (your grandpa’s) birthday, that my blood pressure was too high at 2 consecutive readings and they wanted to induce me the following day. I remember leaving elated, but overwhelmed because you were going to be 2 weeks early!

I remember leaving with your daddy from the doctor’s office, trying to make plans of what we needed to do in the next 24 hours before we could check into the hospital to meet you. I remember calling my mom (your grandma) and freaking out because we were going to meet you. And then also calling your “bonus” grandparents, Grandma and Grandpa Lauer, to ask them if your brother could come to their house last minute to spend the weekend with them (which worked out perfect because they wanted him to come with the rest of his cousins!).

I remember going to pick up Logan at daycare/preschool and talking to Miss Deb to tell her what was about to change in his life. And then talking to the daycare director to see if they could get you, my little Zoey, into daycare any earlier, now that we had a few shorter weeks of maternity leave.

And then the fun started…I got home with Logan, we packed his bag for the weekend, and snuggled – and we talked about how EXCITED he was that the next time he saw us, we would have you, our “Fluffy.” The next 24 hours was a flurry of activity, as I just had both baby showers the week before! We unpacked things, put together items, washed things, and made a MASSIVE trip to Target. We left our house around 3pm on Saturday the 19th. We made a stop at the Osborn’s on our way to the hospital, and at 5pm we called the hospital to make sure they had room – and they were ready for us.

I was so excited. So nervous – I had no idea what to expect! I had no idea the ride we were in for the next 24+ hours. They started inducing me, and daddy and I spent a long day on Sunday watching football games, doing homework and work, writing thank you notes, and waiting for you.

Finally, during the night Sunday into Monday we started making some progress. I got an epidural. I tried to “sleep.” And by Monday morning, September 21, we were ready to push. After an hour and a half of pushing, you came into the world!! You cried, I cried, daddy cried. We held you. We were in awe of your hair (so much of it) and we knew, you were our Zoey Carol.

Grandma and Grandpa brought me a Panera turkey sandwich (COLD!) because I was craving one so bad…and all I did the rest of the day was stare at you. We had visits from your Aunts and Uncles; you passed your screenings like a champ. And you had the cutest and quietest newborn cry. You and I spent the first night alone together in the hospital so Daddy could go home to spend the night with Logan and give him some "normalcy." Spending that time with you, cuddling and holding you, soaking in your newborn smell, were some of my favorite moments. I remember dozing off, with you in your little crib/cart next to me, and then hearing you cry. I honestly could not figure out what that sound was, until I remembered where I was, and that you were MY BABY. How surreal and wonderful.


It’s hard to believe that we have navigated a year together as a family of four. We can barely imagine life before you (I say barely because I do remember the sleep I used to get!), and in reality, we do not want to live our life without you. You have brought so much happiness to our lives. We all adore you. You walk and try to talk. You love to giggle at your big brother, and give hugs to us all. Your favorite person is still me, your “mama.”  You love to mimic us. You want to keep up with your big brother and play with all his toys. And you truly have your daddy wrapped around your little fingers. I am so glad I have a little girl who can be my best friend, just like the relationship I have with my mom.

The day you were born was one of the best days of my life. You have changed our lives for the better, and I cannot even believe that you are one year old today. Thank you, Zoey, for being you. That’s all we want you to be. I cannot wait to watch you grow into a beautiful woman, but for now, can you stay small for a little while longer?

We love you, Zoey Carol! Happy 1st Birthday ZoZo!

Love: Daddy, Mommy, & Logie


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