One year.

 One year ago this week, my divorce was finalized.

One year ago, and within the next 3 weeks, I was engaged to a widower.

A lot of life has happened in the past 2 years and I am just beginning to catch up. I was remarried in May 2015, had my beautiful baby girl in September 2015 - and am now mother to a 5 year old and 3 month old.

Life....the minutes on the clock...just tick tick tick.

And here I am today - a result of the mended pieces with so much life in front of me, and so much, oh so much, behind me.

This forum is for me to release all that has happened in my past, and how to deal with where things are at. My family situation is interesting, and one that you cannot find a lot about. I married a widower and I am also a result of a fairly young divorce.

I created this blog a little while back in different blogging tools, and even wrote a first post, as I love to express myself through writing. It has taken me until today to feel like I can air what I want to air. Knowing that a full year has gone by has helped me to put this into writing.

If you are a loved one of mine and are reading this, please know this is my forum and am in no way trying to offend. All opinions and views expressed are my own and are items I am continually working through.

So without further ado, please join me on this journey, and let me know if there is anything that you would like to know about.


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